Cannon Dancer
Collect all other trophies
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
100% от общего числа игроков
Collect all other trophies
Complete Area 1
Complete Area 2
Complete Area 3
Complete Area 4
Complete Area 5
Complete the game!
Achieve the maximum power-up level
Achieve the maximum life level
Throw an enemy
Suplex a Soldier
Suplex a Laser-Robot
Suplex a Gold Statue
Suplex a Tiger
Suplex a Scorpion
Suplex a Jetpack-Soldier
Do a suplex that takes 3 seconds or longer
Suplex Herio
Suplex Cannons
Suplex Tianon
Suplex Willf
Suplex Fake
Suplex Slaver
Finish off a boss with a throw
Finish off a boss with a suplex
Use your fatal attack
Finish off the Slaver with a Fatal Attack