Pioneer of Hope
Obtain all other trophies.
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
40% от общего числа игроков
Obtain all other trophies.
Till soil 50 times.
Water your crops 50 times.
Harvest 50 crops.
Harvest 50 flowers.
Harvest 50 tree crops.
Harvest 50 mushrooms.
Harvest 50 honey hives.
Obtain 50 containers of milk from your livestock.
Obtain 50 eggs from your chickens.
Obtain 50 tufts of wool, fleece, or fur from your livestock.
Ship a top-quality crop.
Chop down 100 trees.
Cut grass 100 times.
Break 100 stones.
Catch 50 fish.
Catch a top-quality fish.
Drain water 50 times.
Apply a breeding kit to one of your animals.
Cook 20 times.
Craft 2,000 items.
Reach the lowest floor of the far-off mine.
Talk to residents a total of 50 times.
Obtain a total of 5,000 items.
Obtain 10 articles of clothing.
Take pictures of all 21 wild animal species.
Upgrade your tools 28 times.
Learn all skills.
Max out all skill levels.
Confess your love to a resident.
Propose marriage to a resident.
Be blessed with a child.
Deepen your relationship with your partner.
Own livestock.
Own a pet.
Cook up a top-quality meal.
Ship a total of 100,000G in items.
Make 10,000G in a single day.
Go to the Earth Sprite Village for the first time.
Complete all of the museum's exhibits.
Ride a mount.
Record 900 entries in the encyclopedia.
Repair the dilapidated bridge.
Clear away the big fallen trees.
Repair the hydroculture plant.
Upgrade your home to a log cabin.
Upgrade your home to a gorgeous house.
Get your motorcycle repaired.
Clear all of Lovett's requests.
Complete all town development projects.
Run the farm for 1 year.