Marvel Legend
Finish arcade mode without losing a round (Marvel Super Heroes)
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66.6% от общего числа игроков
Finish arcade mode without losing a round (Marvel Super Heroes)
Finish arcade mode without losing a round (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Finish arcade mode with each hero (Marvel Super Heroes)
Finish arcade mode with each villain (Marvel Super Heroes)
Finish arcade mode with each Capcom character (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Finish arcade mode with each Marvel character (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Finish arcade mode with each Hidden character (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Complete the third tier of the challenge “Another Notch”
Complete the fourth tier of the challenge “Big Finish”
Complete the third tier of the challenge “Going Streaking"
Complete the third tier of the challenge “Powers Combined" (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Complete the third tier of the challenge “Duo of Heroes" (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Complete the third tier of the challenge “War of the Gems" (Marvel Super Heroes)
Complete the second tier of the challenge “Not a Scratch"
Win a match with every normally selectable character (Marvel Super Heroes)
Win a match with every character (Marvel vs. Capcom)
Complete the third tier of the challenge “Grinder"