The Ultimate Fan
Win all the other trophies.
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Получили 100% трофеев
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Win all the other trophies.
Win a Contestant's row for the first time (Single player).
Unlock your 1st tape.
Unlock 5 tapes.
Unlock 15 tapes.
Unlock 30 tapes.
Unlock all the tapes.
Win every showcases of every shows.
Play a show online (any game mode).
Plinko 1998 : Win $30,000 or more in one Plinko game online (any game mode).
Hurdles : Win 3 Hurdles games online (any game mode).
Finish 1st on 10 multiplayer games online (any game mode).
Play 5 Contestant's Row online (any game mode).
Finish 1st on five 4-players multiplayer games online (any game mode).
Play 30 games online (any game mode).
Host 10 games online (any game mode).
Make 3 exact bids on Contestant's row (Any game mode).
Showcase Showdown : Win by landing twice on 100 on your first spin and on your bonus spin.
Play a local multiplayer game.
The host player must finish 1st on a 4 players local multiplayer game.
Play 10 Local multiplayer games.
The host player wins a Double Money Showcase in a local multiplayer game.
Plinko 1983 : The host player wins $15 000 or more in a Plinko game (Local multiplayer).
Watch a bonus video.
Watch all bonus videos.
Play 50 pricing games in 70's Decade (Single Player) (Show or Pricing game).
Play 60 pricing games in 80's Decade (Single Player) (Show or Pricing game).
Play 60 pricing games in 90's Decade (Single Player) (Show or Pricing game).
Play 70 pricing games in 00's Decade (Single Player) (Show or Pricing game).