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Unlock all trophies.
Defeat Axolangelo, the Master of Arts for the first time.
Defeat Scissorella, the Royal Gardener for the first time.
Defeat Severino, the Gatekeeper for the first time.
Defeat Lele, the Green-Eyed Illusionist for the first time on Normal difficulty.
Defeat Lele, the Green-Eyed Illusionist for the first time on Hard difficulty.
Defeat Lele, the Green-Eyed Illusionist for the first time on Very Hard difficulty.
Defeat Lele, the Green-Eyed Illusionist for the first time on Nightmare difficulty.
Beat the Inside Path of the Palace (Banquet Hall, Art Gallery, Axolangelo's Atelier, and the Guest Lounge) in a single run.
Beat the Outside Path of the Palace (Courtyard, Garden, Scissorella’s Garden, and the Labyrinth) in a single run.
Finish every level in the game at least once.
Get the Diamond Key.
Get all four Suite Keys.
Collect half of all Blueprints.
Collect all Blueprints.
Unlock the Permanent Upgrade Tea Potion Sachet 1.
Unlock all Yellow Cards.
Unlock all Blue Cards.
Unlock all Pink Cards.
Unlock half of all Cards.
Unlock all Cards.
Unlock half of all Trinkets.
Unlock all Trinkets.
Unlock half of all Jolly Jolly's upgrades.
Unlock all of Jolly Jolly's upgrades.
Unlock half of all Nnif's upgrades.
Unlock all of Nnif's upgrades.