Earn all Trophies in the game Get a life
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Получили 100% трофеев
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Earn all Trophies in the game Get a life
Kill 100 Ants 100? That's nothing!
Kill 1000 Ants 1000? There must be a jillion of those things! Get busy!
Kill 10000 Ants Good start!
Kill 100 Spiders You want a medal for that?
Make it through 5 Survival Mode Waves in one session Five Alive
Kill 10000 Spiders Arachnocidal maniac!
Kill 100 Ticks Tick...Tick...
Kill 5000 Ticks Boom!
Kill 10 Small Hectors What's a Hector?
Kill 100 Small Hectors Hector Who?
Kill 10 Wasps Empty nest
Kill 100 Wasps Get out of my yard!
Destroy 100 Gunships Mmmmm...Gunships
Destroy 1000 Gunships 1000 down
Destroy 10000 Gunships Bet you died a lot doing this...
Kill 10 Bomber Spiders Drop the Bombers!
Kill 5000 enemies Bug juicer
Survive 100 (total) waves in Survival mode Big Wave Rider
Kill 25000 Enemies Master killer
Destroy 10 Carriers Tora! Tora! Tora!
Destroy 100 Carriers Mayday! Mayday!
Destroy 10 Anthills/Spider Nests Total Nest-ruction!
Destroy 100 Anthills/Spider Nests Hit'em where they live!
Collect All Dropped Weapons Look what the Hector Dropped!
Incapacitate a teammate Way to be!
Unlock all Armors Sharp dressed man
Level up an armor completely Isn't that special...
Level up all armors completely Well, Hello, Mr. Fancypants!
Purchase all available weapons for a single armor You are a consumer
Purchase all weapons for all armors All gunned up!
Revive a teammate Good job! Now do it some more
Revive 250 teammates You're so nice
Survive 500 (total) waves in Survival mode I will survive!
Get 1000 kills in Survival mode Still on the island
Get 10000 kills in Survival mode They got...FRAGGED!
Get 250 kills with the Lander Turret Hot LZ? What hot LZ?
Get 500 kills with the Mech It's a Mech-a-delic freakout!
Get 500 kills with the Tank Tanks a lot
Get 500 kills with Base Turrets Like a Turret in a punchbowl...
Destroy 500 buildings Urban renewal, EDF style
Destroy 500 cars/vehicles Traffic un-jammer
Destroy 500 world objects You litterbug
Beat the game on Normal Easy Peasy