Platinum Zodiarc
Collect all trophies
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
25% от общего числа игроков
Collect all trophies
Complete “Story Mission 4” without reaching the exit
Complete the game on Hard difficulty
What is this, some kind of joke?
Give the audience what they paid for
Complete the Arena of Xin on Hard difficulty
Craft 20 dice symbols
Craft 5 Lighting symbols
Equip any hero with three level 2 dice
Complete 10 Skirmishes
Complete 5 Elite Skirmishes
Share moments of quiet with everyone
Edit the decks of 3 different heroes
Trigger an “If Shrouded” Card effect
Trigger an “If Guardian” Card effect
Trigger an “If Overcharged” Card effect
Play 7 Cards in a row with the same character
Perform 10 Backstabs in the same playthrough
Throw 17 dice in a single roll
Get 10 Star symbols through Rerolling in the same playthrough
Complete a battle without being Counter-Attacked by an enemy
Complete the game without any heroes dying in battle