Obtain all trophies
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Obtain all trophies
Regain your humanity 10 times
Regain your humanity 50 times
Regain your humanity 100 times
Slay all other heroes in an intro battle with 3 hard bots
Get a kill streak of 12 against 3 hard bots
Kill a total of 100 monsters
Kill a total of 666 monsters
Spend a total of 1000 gold
Spend a total of 5000 gold
Spend a total of 10000 gold
Discover 25% of entries in the vault
Discover 50% of entries in the vault
Discover all entries in the vault
Slay a giant monster with a pebble
Slay a giant monster with a boulder
Discover all weapons in the vault
Clear out a store by buying every item
Pass a vault challenge
Pass 10 vault challenges
Pass all the vault challenges
Pass the Gargoyle challenge
Pass the Spikewurm challenge
Pass the Necromancer challenge
As a gnome, mine a total of 10 gold from heroes
Win a 1 on 1 battle against the hero, while both wielding bows
Taunt Glub and win against 3 hard bots
Taunt S'hrim and win against 3 hard bots
Taunt Qaahl and win against 3 hard bots
Taunt Gor and win against 3 hard bots
Taunt Gholoth and win against 3 hard bots
Damage Kourok's exposed brain with a bomb creature
Defeat Kourok without hitting any bombs into him
Defeat Kourok, playing against 3 hard bots
Defeat Ghidraak, playing against 3 hard bots
Defeat Tezekcal, playing against 3 hard bots
Defeat a boss while bleeding for the entire fight
Win a game without ever dying
Defeat a boss while nauseated
Kill 3 monsters with a single crossbow bolt
Get two tombstone powerups on one monster
Defeat Ghidraak with more health than when you started
Min your hero's agility
Max out your hero's strength
Win an intro battle without ever moving
Achieve the victory screen title "Infinite Horror"