What Could Possibly Go Wrong?!
You've earned every trophy? You must be Bubsy's biggest fan!
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You've earned every trophy? You must be Bubsy's biggest fan!
Beat a level with any character. A Hero's journey starts with a single hero's step!
Buy something in the store. You're worth it!
Gather all the yarn in a level as Bubsy.
Stay in the air as Bubsy for ten seconds or longer. Enjoy your in-flight meal!
Watch the credits at the end of the game without skipping them. They made Bubsy's latest adventure possible, you know!
Play as every character in the game. They're nice once you get to know them!
Beat an Arnold level.
Complete a level without gathering any collectibles.
Smash 500 crystals as Arnold. All shell is breaking loose!
Beat all of Arnold's levels.
Beat level 3-9 without bonking as Bubsy. You're a natural-born bobcat!
Hear all of Bubsy's death one-liners in a single play session. You're gonna hear from my agent!
Beat World 1's Boss. Where'd you learn to fire a laser like that?
Beat World 2's Boss. I'm sending you my dry-cleaning bill!
You beat a Bubsy game! Time to update the resume.
Purchase all of Bubsy's costumes. Those kids are good salescats!
Play through every main level with every character!