Unlock all trophies
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Получили 100% трофеев
25% от общего числа игроков
Unlock all trophies
Use Adam
Use Eve
Grab the Cyclops’ GLIDER
Grab the Scientist’s GLIDER
Grab the God’s GLIDER
Grab the Sniper’s GLIDER
Destroy the Guardian
Save the AI
Finish without ever dying
Finish the second run
Finish the third run
Find all available items
Find all GLIDER fragments
End the game at 100%
Teleport to ship
Reach the Castle with the ship
Crash the ship before reaching the Castle
Kill the Kranker
Make the Kranker happy
Kill the Scientist and his Wife
Outrun the sniper
Kill the God with your fists
End the intro within 19.87 moments
End game within 300.00 moments
Find the hammer
Find the axe
Find the mace
Find the gun
Find the machine gun
Find the shotgun
Find the double barrel shotgun
Find the Sword
Find the Grenades
Unplug your friend