The real Fisherman
Catch them all
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Catch them all
Complete the main questline
Catch 50kg of fish
Catch 150 kg of fish
Catch 500 kg of fish
Catch 1 fish
Catch 50 fish
Catch 100 fish
Cast reel at least 5m
Cast reel at least 15m
Cast reel at least 35m
Row 1km
Row 5km
Row 10km
Skip a pebble 3 times
Skip a pebble 5 times
skip a pebble 10 times
Catch a diamond ring
Release a boot back to the wilderness
Drink 6 beers
Drink 66 beers
Catch each fish type once
Explore the whole lake
Buy all baits
Take all pictures
Sell five fish of a kind bigger than 100cm
Sell five fish of a kind smaller than 40cm
Sell four fish of a kind
Sell 3 fish of one kind and 2 of another
Sell five fish of a kind
Sell five different kinds of fish
Three fish of the same kind
Sell two fish pairs
Sell two fish of the same kind
Catch the legendary Slackjaw