Prison Boss
Earn every trophy.
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
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Earn every trophy.
Start a game in Story Mode.
Spend 7 days in a prison.
Spend 30 days in a prison.
Spend 100 days in a prison.
Crafted 10 items.
Crafted 100 items.
Crafted 500 items.
Crafted 1000 items.
Craft 10 items in the same night.
Complete your first job.
Complete 10 jobs.
Complete 30 jobs.
Finished first prison using top-quality photo-realistic erotic drawings.
Finished first prison using highly thought-out smoke-based techniques.
Finished second prison using carefully crafted items that can be combined to cause arson.
Finished second prison by being a good guy and offering free juice to your fellow inmates and guards.
Finished third prison by making enough cookies to leave prison and starting a fully-automated cookie business.
Finished third prison by supporting unhealthy diets and making this a trend in this prison.
Finished fourth prison by helping Ziegmarr starting up his own revolution movement.
Finished fourth prison by setting up a feasible at low cost highly sophisticated plan.
Obtain a gold medal in Story Mode.
Obtain gold medals in all prisons in Story Mode.
Make a trade worth 200 dollars.
Make a trade worth 500 dollars.
Make a trade worth 1000 dollars
Scored 5000 or more in Arcade Mode.
Scored 10000 or more in Arcade Mode.
Stay more than 20 minute in Arcade Mode.
Start a game in Boss Mode.
Unlock an item in Boss Mode.
Craft at least an item of each type in the same game of Boss Mode.
Finish a 40 days game in Boss Mode.
Shuffle a stack of money.
Hide an item without putting it in a piece of furniture.