Finish the game and see its ending.
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Finish the game and see its ending.
Become very dirty, like a pig.
Create wine from the beginning.
Go and swim at the ocean.
Remember the mission details.
Ride a donkey to move around.
Find your secret weapon, the lighting.
Charge your weapon, the lighting
Solve a puzzle without any help.
Steal a womans underwear!
Fool a child to do your job.
Create a construction to hold a shield.
Find the missing time machine box.
Find the first metal ring of the time machine.
Find the second metal ring of the time machine.
Find the crank of the time machine.
Complete the time machine!
Literally transform into a big bull.
Fly Europe to Crete on your back.
Fix 'talos', the huge robot guard.
Solve the puzzle and cross the labyrinth.
Seduce Europe like in the Mythology.
See the moment of Earth's destruction.
Fix the planet Earth somehow.
Get your first 50 points.
Somehow find the hidden bonus coin.