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Start a new game after being defeated.
Complete a mission.
Retreat from a mission.
Lose one district due to Attrition.
Have only one district left standing.
Lose the Śródmieście district.
Unlock all entries in the Chronicle.
Survive for 63 days.
Survive for 33 days.
Lose a character in battle.
Lose a character due to an event outcome.
Survive for 63 days with at least four districts still standing.
Recruit the Sharpshooter for the first time.
Recruit the Mechanic for the first time.
Recruit the Sapper for the first time.
Recruit the Scout for the first time.
Recruit the Officer for the first time.
Recruit Berling's Soldier for the first time.
Recruit the Turncoat for the first time.
Complete all unique insurgent events.
Kill 3 enemies with a single skill use.
Collect every type of Heavy Weapon in the game.
Collect every type of Submachine Gun in the game.
Collect every type of Machine Gun in the game.
Collect every type of Rifle in the game.
Collect every type of Pistol in the game.
Collect every type of Revolver in the game.
Collect every type of Grenade in the game.
Complete a mission with all insurgents at maximum Health.
Destroy a PaK gun.
Recruit every unique insurgent in the game at least once.
Complete the game with the starting three characters still alive.
Recruit the Doctor for the first time.
Recruit the Silent Unseen for the first time.