Start the Music for μ's!
Played a Live Show with a μ's member for the first time.
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
11.1% от общего числа игроков
Played a Live Show with a μ's member for the first time.
Played a Live Show with an Aqours member for the first time.
Achieved ALL PERFECT for the first time.
Performed over 10,000 combos in total.
Attempted the highest difficulty (ADVENTURE or CHALLENGE) of any song.
Watch any member's Finale Focus 100 times.
Get FULL COMBO or better on HYPER difficulty or higher for "It's our miraculous time" by μ's.
Get FULL COMBO or better on HYPER difficulty or higher for "Mirai no Bokura wa Shitteru yo" by Aqours.
Took 100 Photos total.
Collected every type of every μ's member's Regular Skill Cards.
Collected every type of every Aqours member's Regular Skill Cards.
Made a Profile Card for the first time.
Made a costume in Costume Creation for the first time.
Got a Special Skill Card for the first time.
Performed 999 Live Shows.