Lord of the Metatron
Earn all of the Trophies.
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
25% от общего числа игроков
Earn all of the Trophies.
Finish all chapters at the EASY difficulty level.
Finish all chapters at the NORMAL difficulty level.
Finish all chapters at the HARD difficulty level.
Finish all chapters at the EXTRA difficulty level.
Defeat more than 500 enemies.
Defeat more than 1000 enemies.
In Chapter 10, take all weapons from all enemies and complete the chapter.
Finish all chapters without a single Game Over.
Defeat 50 enemies during Armaros show.
Earn a G rank in every chapter at the Easy difficulty level or higher.
Earn a G rank in every chapter at the Hard difficulty level or higher.