The Best Pilot in the World
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Получили 100% трофеев
33.3% от общего числа игроков
Unlock all trophies
Play with 0 continue (16-bit)
Get the maximum bullet upgrade with any shoot(16-bit)
Fight against the First boss (16-bit)
Reach 10.000 Score(16-bit)
Reach 100.000 Score(16-bit)
Reach Round 6 (16-bit)
Fight against Fifth boss(16-bit)
Fight against Seventh boss(16-bit)
Finish Thunderbol II on normal or hard mode (16-bit)
Get the maximum bullet upgrade(8-bit)
Get the maximum bullet upgrade with scarlet shoot(8-bit)
Get the maximum bullet upgrade with trinity shoot(8-bit)
Get the maximum bullet upgrade with cannon shoot(8-bit)
Get the guard upgrade(8-bit)
Fight against the First Boss(8-bit)
Fight against the Second Boss (8-bit)
Meet the Third Boss (8-bit)
Finish Thunderbolt(8-bit)
Reach the maximum speed (16-bit)