End of the World
View each and every possible outcome.
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
26.6% от общего числа игроков
View each and every possible outcome.
Collect 80 of the episodes.
Defeat the final boss.
Defeat a powerful enemy in the Pain Area.
Transform into Glitch Mode countless times.
Transform into Glitch Mode a handful of times.
Collect half of the episodes.
Learn 50 skills using Flash Drive.
Defeated countless enemies.
Clear Chapter 11.
Clear Chapter 10.
Clear Chapter 9.
Clear Chapter 8.
Clear Chapter 7.
Clear Chapter 6.
Clear Chapter 5.
Clear Chapter 4.
Clear Chapter 3.
Clear Chapter 2.
Clear Chapter 1.
Clear the Prologue.
Rest in camp for the first time.
Switch over into the real world.
Visit the Strain Area for the first time.
Perform a Flash Drive for the first time.
Use a Summon for the first time.
Use Install Genre for the first time.
Use a Code Jack for the first time.
Perform a Knockback for the first time.
Connect a Knockback combo with a party member for the first time.
Enter Glitch Mode for the first time.