So Promising, So Bright, the Spoils!
Collect all trophies
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Collect all trophies
Complete Act 1
Complete Act 2
Complete Act 3
Complete Game
Unlock the Bear Hat
Unlock the Fish Hat
Unlock the Boar Hat
Unlock the Deer Hat
Unlock the Dog Hat
Unlock the Bison Hat
Unlock the Rabbit Hat
Unlock the Frog Hat
Unlock the Crow Hat
Unlock all hats
Find your first wolf
Find all hidden wolves
Kill every enemy in a level with a different weapon
Finish any level in one continuous Combo
Get a perfect score for Mobility in any level
Get Perfect Timing on every kill of a level
Get a score greater than 1 000 000
Finish any level in Act 2 in under 3.5 minutes
Kill 25 enemies with an Hatchet
Kill 50 enemies with an Hatchet
Kill 100 enemies with an Hatchet
Kill 100 enemies with a carrot
Kill 100 enemies with a fish
Set 500 enemies on fire
Don't use any weapons for a whole level
Search for the last enemy of an area
Die at the hands of the last enemy in an area
Die 50 times in a single room
Die 100 times in a level