The village’s best warrior!
Earn all the trophies
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
10% от общего числа игроков
Earn all the trophies
Complete the entire game in "Easy" mode or at a higher level of difficulty
Complete the entire game in "Normal" mode or at a higher difficulty level
Complete the entire game in "Difficult" mode or at a higher difficulty level
Complete the entire game in "Extreme" mode
Defeat 200 Romans under the effect of the magic potion
Defeat 5000 Romans
Buy all the combos from the merchant
Get the maximum number of shields
Retrieve all the golden laurels
Complete all the course challenges
Terminer tous les défis time attack
Reach the Gold level in all the time and course challenges
Collect more than 99999 helmets
Spend more than 50000 helmets at the merchant's
Retrieve a golden laurel
Keep the combo gauge full for 60 seconds
Complete all the course and time challenges