Doomed to Hell
Get all trophies of Doomed to Hell
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
20% от общего числа игроков
Get all trophies of Doomed to Hell
Finish the Tutorial
Finish the first biome
Finish the second biome
Finish the last biome
Buy every item available in a shop
Finish a total of 10 runs
Finish a total of 20 runs
Finish a total of 50 runs
Finish a total of 100 runs
Kill a dummy
Collect your first gun
Collect your first Money Potion
Purchase a Permanent Speed Upgrade
Purchase a Permanent Damage Upgrade
Purchase a Permanent Attack Speed Upgrade
Purchase a Permanent Defense Upgrade
Purchase the Shotgun
Purchase a Permanent Critical Hit Upgrade
Purchase a Permanent Knockback Upgrade
Purchase the Yellow Sword