Earn all of The Show™ 19 Trophies.
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Earn all of The Show™ 19 Trophies.
In Road to the Show successfully win a Boss Battle.
In Road to the Show, reach a score of 40 in the pitch memory mini-game.
Have your first encounter with Heidi Watney.
Hit the ball over 115+ mph.
Hit a home run with Ohtani on All-Star or above difficulty.
Win the Home Run Derby® with Bryce Harper.
In Franchise mode, extend a player contract during the season.
In Road to the Show, reach 10 reps in the bench press mini-game.
In Road to the Show, complete the new player creation.
In Diamond Dynasty, equip any unlocked audio.
In Diamond Dynasty, complete the onboarding tutorial.
Record a walk in your first at-bat of the game.
Equip an unlockable no doubt home run animation.