Grand Master Gravity
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Finish the Campaign on Low Gravity Difficulty
Finish the Campaign on Normal Gravity Difficulty
Finish the Campaign on High Gravity Difficulty
Finish the Campaign with a Friend (Any Difficulty)
Perform 10 Finishing Moves using Low Grav Powers (Campaign)
Perform 50 Finishing Moves using Low Grav Powers (Campaign)
Perform 10 Finishing Moves using High Grav Powers (Campaign)
Perform 50 Finishing Moves using High Grav Powers (Campaign)
Use the Gravlink to throw 15 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign)
Use the Gravlink to throw 30 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign)
Use the Gravlink to throw 50 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign)
Shoot off 100 Lutadore Helmets (Any Difficulty)
Use the Gravlink to kill 3 Lutadores with one object (Campaign)
Use the Gravlink to kill 5 Lutadores with one object (Campaign)
Escape from a Lurker's grasp 5 times during single player
Kill 100 Lutadore Enemies with explosives in the Campaign (Grenades, Rockets, Barrels)
Revive a friend online (Co-op mode)
Use the Gravlink to throw a corpse at your friend (Co-op mode)
Use a Shotgun to gib 25 Lutadore enemies (Any Difficulty)
Set 25 Lutadore enemies on fire with the Lavagun (Any Difficulty)
Complete a Campaign level with a Friend (Any Difficulty)
Have a friend boost you over a ledge (Co-op mode)
Get 1st Place in a Deathmatch game (Matchmaking)
Be a part of a winning team in Assault Mode (Matchmaking)
Be a part of a winning team in Team Deathmatch (Matchmaking)
Change your multiplayer character's appearance
Reach Silver Grav Sergeant Rank
Reach Bronze Grav Captain Rank
Reach Gold Grav Major Rank
Reach Diamond Grav Commander Rank
Complete All Multiplayer Weapon Challenges
Complete All Multiplayer Basic Challenges
Take the Gravlink from the Lutadores