Oregon Trial
Unlock all of the Prince of Landis trophies.
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Unlock all of the Prince of Landis trophies.
There is something strange in the woods.
Get some advice from beyond.
Help someone, or something... in need.
Find some good electrical conductors.
Serve up a winged meal.
Get some advice about bullies.
Serve up a large meal.
Serve one final meal.
Showdown in the streets.
Have a talk with 'teach' about class.
Investigate some of the electrical disturbances in town.
Find the hidden place!
Check all points of egress!
Warm up your feet a little!
Don't be rude.
Vet all of your options.
Fowler would not approve of doing any unnecessary work.
Take up bug collecting.
Maybe take some time to do a little drawing.
Admire your collection of bats and balls.
Take a good long hard look at yourself.
Investigate your comic collection.
Try to make dinner.
Try making a call.
Check out those paper mill tools.
Try to change the TV station.
Admire 'Big Orange.'
Bring home a strange meal.
Put a mess to good use.
Find some tools.
Essential and standard issue.
Use your five-finger discount.
Help spread knowledge from here to the stars.
Procure the jar of the masons.
Take a trip to the great Pacific Northwest.