She Would Be Proud
Unlock all Trophies in SH2.
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Получили 100% трофеев
31.2% от общего числа игроков
Unlock all Trophies in SH2.
Unlock the "Leave" ending.
Unlock the "Maria" ending.
Unlock the "In Water" ending.
Unlock the "Rebirth" ending.
Unlock the "Dog" ending.
Unlock the "UFO" ending.
Complete SH2 in 3 hours or less.
Acquire the Chainsaw.
Acquire the Green Hyper Spray.
Complete SH2 with 2 saves or less.
Defeat at least 75 enemies by shooting in SH2.
Defeat at least 75 enemies by fighting in SH2.
Find at least 150 items + extra items in SH2.
Complete Boat Stage in less than 1 min 20 seconds.
Receive less than 500 points of damage in one game, in SH2.
Defeat Abstract Daddy.
Defeat Pyramid Head.
Defeat Flesh Lips.
Defeat Mary.
Unlock the "Born from a Wish" ending.
Complete SH2 on Extra Riddle difficulty.
Acquire the White Chrism.
Acquire the book of Lost Memories.
Acquire the Obsidian Goblet.
Acquire the book of Crimson Ceremony.
Acquire the Dog Key.
Acquire the Blue Gem.