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Unlock all trophies.
Earn 10 stars in MI6 Ops.
Earn 25 stars in MI6 Ops.
Earn 44 stars in MI6 Ops.
Complete all objectives for every mission on Operative difficulty.
Complete all objectives for every mission on Agent difficulty.
Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 difficulty.
Complete all objectives for every mission on 007 Classic difficulty.
Complete all objectives in Arkhangelsk on 007 difficulty or higher.
Complete all objectives in Barcelona on 007 difficulty or higher.
Complete all objectives in Dubai on 007 difficulty or higher.
Complete all objectives in Severnaya on 007 difficulty or higher.
Complete all objectives in St. Petersburg on 007 difficulty or higher.
Complete all objectives in Nigeria on 007 difficulty or higher.
Get 20 kills with hacked drone guns in 'Jungle'.
Get 40 kills with the Wolfe .44 in 'Nightclub'.
Single Player: Find and destroy a Janus emblem.
Single Player: Find and destroy 20 Janus emblems.
Single Player: Find and destroy 50 Janus emblems.
Single Player: Complete any mission without taking any damage.
Single Player: Complete any mission without collecting any body armor on 007 Classic difficulty.
Get to master engineering in 'Facility' without reinforcements getting called in.
Shoot down 15 helicopters in 'Tank'.
Get to the server room in 'Bunker' without reinforcements getting called in.
Destroy all the servers in 'Archives' within 40 secs of the first being damaged.
Complete 'Airfield' in under 4:35 (007 Classic difficulty).
Single Player: Silently subdue 30 enemies.
Single Player: Make a kill with every weapon.
Complete 'Carrier' in under 11:00 (007 difficulty or higher).
Complete ‘Archives’ in under 15:10 (Agent difficulty or higher).
Complete ‘Solar’ in under 13:00 (007 Classic difficulty).
Public Match: Complete a match on every map.
Public Match: As Tee Hee, get the most kills with a melee strike (min 3 melee kills).
Public Match: Achieve 79 kills with the Golden Gun in Golden Gun mode.
Public Match: Achieve 64 melee kills with the KL-033 Mk2.
Public Match: In one life, make three kills with Oddjob's hat.
Public Match: As Jaws, survive a shot to the head which would otherwise have killed you.
Public Match: As Baron Samedi, survive a bullet which would otherwise have killed you.
Public Match: Capture and defend the most consoles in one match of GoldenEye mode.
Public Match: As Bond, kill 006 with an explosive device.
Public Match: As Bond, kill Zukovsky with a melee strike.
Public Match: Play at least one complete match of Classic Conflict with every character.
Public Match: Kill 50 enemies with Proximity Mines.
Public Match: Defuse a planted bomb which has exactly 0:07 seconds remaining on its fuse.
Public Match: Earn all accolades specific to Black Box.
Public Match: Kill six enemies with the Wolfe .44 or Gold Plated Revolver without reloading.