Obtain all trophies in ONRUSH™
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
23.5% от общего числа игроков
Obtain all trophies in ONRUSH™
Use boost for the first time
Introduce yourself to the fodder
Takedown an opponent!
Rush for the first time
Superstar - Start 'Origins'
Reach player level 5
Perform a 'CRUSHED!' Takedown
Smash 5 Tombstones in a single match
Superstar - Unlock 'Uprising'
Perform a 'VOMIT COMET' action
Earn 10 Crashtags
Personalise all 12 Characters
Personalise all 8 Classes
Play 10 OVERDRIVE Matches
Play 10 COUNTDOWN Matches
Play 10 LOCKDOWN Matches
Play 10 SWITCH Matches
Superstar - Unlock 'Regeneration'
Collect 250 or more Gear Items
Feature in the player spotlight 10 times
Earn 50 'HUNTER' Medals
Superstar - Unlock 'Starpower'
Reach player level 15
Earn 5 Ubertags
Perform 1000 'NEAR ALLY' actions
Superstar - Unlock 'Snowbound'
Superstar - Unlock 'Superstars'
Superstar - Win the Founders' Trophy
Earn 50 'CHECKMATE!' Medals
Reach player Level 30
Earn 100 Gold 'GAME TIME' Medals
Superstar - Max out your Superstar Rating