One of the Squad
Earn all trophies
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Получили 100% трофеев
50% от общего числа игроков
Earn all trophies
Rendezvous with Delta 62
Revive a squad member
Complete Geonosis
Complete Kashyyyk
Collect all enemy weapons
100 melee kills
Unlock all weapon attachments
Complete RAS Prosecutor
Slice your first console
Visor cleaned 10 times
Hit 5 enemies with a single thermal detonator
Fend off a scavenger droid
Blow 10 demolition charges
Request a revive
Beat the game on Easy
Beat the game on Medium
Get a kill while piloting a Walker
Beat the game on Hard
Issue all squad commands at least once
Eliminate 10 enemies with a gunship turret
Destroy all eggs before they hatch
Issue and cancel a command too quickly
Find the hidden lightsaber (in Rescue the Squad)
Blow yourself up
Blow 10 explosive barrels
Snipe down the ship on Geonosis
Defeat the dwarf spider droid
Drop a droid dispenser on 4 enemies
Knock a droids head off with your melee attack
Find the speeder bike
Go down 10 times in one mission