Call it a Comeback!
Come back from a 2-0 deficit and win a Hold Your Own game.
Всего игроков
Получили 100% трофеев
44.3% от общего числа игроков
Come back from a 2-0 deficit and win a Hold Your Own game.
Kill 3 or more players in a standoff or showdown.
Get 3 kills with knives or throwing knives in a single competitive match.
Double capture 3 times in a single Gold Rush map.
Kill 5 players via headshot in a single Shootout or Gang Shootout.
Reach level 50 and pass into Legend.
Get a kill greater than 35 yards with a Tomahawk.
Complete all Tomahawk challenges in Single Player.
Get 25 Deadeye kills with Red.
Get 25 Dynamite kills with Pig Josh.